Post-surgery rehabilitation

after surgery

Physiotherapy after surgery, also known as post-op rehab, plays a crucial role in maximising the outcome of your surgery. It helps to re-establish strength, mobility, stability and stamina for the swiftest and safest return to independence. Pre-surgery physiotherapy can also be very valuable, strengthening the body and potentially reducing the impact of surgery.

Woman havy post surgery rehab physiotherapy in Milton Keynes

Had a knee replacement? Ligament surgery?
Something else?

How physiotherapy can help

Physiotherapy after surgery is very important, whether that’s following a knee replacement, fracture repair, surgery to a damaged ligament or something else. With the help of one of our qualified physiotherapists, you can recover faster, more successfully and with greater confidence, whatever your operation.

We also provide support and advice around the specific challenges associated with your surgery and the daily challenges that are unique to you and your lifestyle.

Enquire about physiotherapy after knee replacement, spinal surgery, keyhole surgery, ACL repair…or any other form of surgery!

Benefits of post-op physiotherapy

The benefits of physiotherapy post-surgery include:

  • Enhances surgery results
  • Gets you stronger, faster
  • Improves mobility more quickly
  • Accelerates return to independence and normal activities
  • Decreases pain and stiffness
  • Ensures you are moving and exercising correctly, so boosting your confidence
  • You’re supported through each stage of your recovery
  • You can ask questions and obtain advice from your physiotherapist, so helping to minimise any anxiety about your recovery
Physix SM physiotherapy clinic Milton Keynes logo

How we work

After surgery, you may be a little nervous about having physiotherapy. We understand this and take time to explain everything to you, so that you can feel more reassured about what’s happening and how your recovery will progress.

Following a full assessment, we design your personalised rehab programme specific to the surgery you have had. The programme is purposeful, targeted at recovery and is adapted as you progress.

Movement is a key part of recovery. Depending on your circumstances and preferences, we can either work with you from our treatment room or in the on-site gym. We start very gently and progress at a rate suited to you, your level of fitness and the surgery you’ve had. If you’d like to try the gym but feel a little daunted by it, don’t worry. Many patients feel like this but very quickly settle in once they try it.

Why choose us as your post-op physios?

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    We care about what we do

    We have a genuine desire to see you feeling better and living your best life…and we work hard to get you there.

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    Here for you every step of the way

    If you want to take your strength and fitness to the next level, we also offer strength and conditioning training as a post-rehab next step.

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    We are results-oriented and professional

    We have built a reputation for excellent outcomes from our friendly, professional physios.

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    We’re committed to our ongoing training

    This enables us to remain at the cutting edge of the latest treatments and technology, so you get the best evidence-based treatment.

Need post-surgery rehab?

Get in touch
01908 952019